Matthew 4:1-11

The Temptation of a Crossless Kingdom

Pastor Gerald Hiestand


Questions and Answer with Pastor Gerald

1. How can I help be part of the solution to the harmful effect of political divisions on CMC? I've heard of churches forming gatherings of members representing both sides, led by a trained moderator, to look for common ground in a spirit of Christian grace and unity. (0:50)

2. Thank you for your elegant explanation in today’s sermon. I see your point about supporting politicians who mock the people we missionize. (Mocking is in the same category as his character flaws you dismissed.) Of far greater concern is a failure to speak the TRUTH and apologize for untruth. (4:06)

3. What if today, at the same time, there were 2 rallies scheduled in Oak Park- one to celebrate the life of MLK and racial equality, and the other to rally for the sanctity of the unborn? How would you recommend that be handled? (6:45)

4. After connecting with our community in support of their values (such as attending a rally against racism) when is it appropriate, as individuals and as a church, to do things (or even organize things) that are not valued by our community such as attending/organizing a pro-life rally? (10:15)

4.5 Extra comments from Pastor Gerald about attending rallies (13:00)

5. Most of the discussion during these 2 weeks relates to public/corporate political activity. What about personal political conviction/voting that remains private? (14:55)

6. What is happening reminds me of when I lived in a communist country. (16:17)

7. In your sermon you talk about voting and we are to cast our vote not for what is best for America but for what is in the best interest of the church. What about representatives who serve in congress who are sent to cast their votes for what’s in the best interest of the church? (20:03)

8. On Sunday you said that the church always stood for equality of the races. Historically, this isn't true, right? I'm no historian, but weren't many of the folks who bought and sold slaves identified as Christian? (21:55)


Matthew 5:17-22; Romans 8:1-11


Matthew 3:13-17