Special Needs Support

Support Group

This is a group intended to engage God as we live together and encourage one another in a life that is in some way touched by special needs.

In a relaxed atmosphere, we will together unpack this life and God’s role in it by celebrating victories and answers to prayer, sharing ways we see God working, looking for wisdom, bearing each other’s burdens, and encouraging one other.

The structure is conversation, word of encouragement/Scripture and prayer. Some months we may invite guests to speak in some area of expertise that may be a resource for us. We also want to hear from individuals and/or families on ways they can better be served in the life of the church and be able to access it's ministries with as little of restriction as possible.

When & Where?

2nd Sunday of each month 9AM in the Heritage Room


The group is intended for a variety of different 
people including:

  • Parents of a child with special needs

  • Adults affected by disability themselves

  • Adult siblings of a person with special needs

  • Professionals in a related field such as:

    • Medical professional

    • Social worker

    • Speech, occupational, or physical therapist

    • Special education teachers and aides

    • Counselors, etc.

  • Anyone who is interested in supporting families or being a resource

  • Anyone who may be interested in supporting and ministering in the emerging disability ministry at Calvary Memorial Church (perhaps you are exploring the idea of becoming a buddy for a child with special needs once we resume in person and want to come and learn more)

You do not have to be a member of Calvary or any church! We would love to see you there. If you have any questions, please email Craig and Monica Moore.

Buddy Program

As we strive to meet the needs of Calvary’s children with special needs (and their families) we recognize that Special Needs Buddies can play an invaluable role. These individuals provide assistance, support, and friendship to the children they serve, so the child’s entire family may participate fully as members of the church body.

The Buddy program is hosting an informational meeting and the official training at the end of this month. A Buddy is a leader who will be equipped and paired with a child or young adult with a disability.

You do not need a degree or previous experience to be a buddy. All we are looking for is awilling heart and a regular commitment to show up for these kids. You will help them navigate Calvary's children's and youth ministries. They need the Gospel to be accessible and clear to them- and the church needs them in the church!

The info meeting will begin at 10:45am during the second service on Sunday, February 25th. Training will begin at 11am for those who are ready to commit to volunteer. We will end by 12:30pm.