
God’s Wisdom for a Vibrant Faith


Sundays at 9am in the Heritage room

Welcoming the Stranger

"Welcoming the Stranger" is a 5-week class designed to challenge participants to confront immigration issues through a biblical lens. Calvary's ARI team (asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants) will be hosting this course, which provides a clear understanding of the political landscape surrounding immigration and outlines the church's vital role in responding to the needs of sojourners and strangers in our communities. Join us as we delve into these important topics and discover how we can actively engage and make a difference. Welcoming the Stranger will meet for 5 weeks starting January 5 at 9:00 in the Heritage Room. Please RSVP if you plan to attend even one of the sessions so that we can prepare printed materials for you - but all are welcome even without an RSVP. This class will be offered again in May during the 10:45 service.

Sundays at 10:45am in the Dining room

The Greatest of These is Love

Upcoming Classes

Nigel and Jonny will be teaching a 4-week series on love. This past Fall Pastor Gerald preached a new Calvary vision series that prioritizes love. The new vision statement for Calvary is receiving, practicing, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. With this new vision statement, Nigel and Jonny are going to guide lessons on the following: the source of love, examples of love in Scripture, the accomplishments of love, and the call to love at Calvary. 

February 16 - March 9 at 9:00am in the Heritage Room

The Mothers of Jesus:
The Women of Matthew 1

In the genealogy of Christ, we find five women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each holds a striking place in the genealogy and significance for us: in the way we see these women, narrate our own stories, and understand discipleship, faith, and salvation. Join us for four weeks at 9am beginning February 16th. 

February 2 - 23 at 10:45am in the Dining Room

My Rock and Refuge:
David and Jesus in Psalms 60-63

Join Faith and Friends at 10:45am from February 2 - 23rd for a class in the Psalms. Eric Redmond will lead us through Psalms 60-63, seeing Christ through David's prayers. All are welcome!

Calvary Institute

The Calvary Institute is a 9 month program designed to equip you to fulfill your calling as a Christian. We would love to have you join this intentional community that is committed to wrestling with deep questions and learning together. We are accepting applications through the end of August.

Calvary Residency Program

The Residency Program at Calvary is a one year commitment focused on the formation of those called to vocational ministry. We intentionally invest in the theological, spiritual, personal, and ministry formation of our residents in order to see them equipped to serve the church wherever God places them.

We select from a candidate pool of college graduates who are discerning a call to vocational ministry, and who are willing to commit to 20 hours a week here at Calvary. Applications open in the spring, with the program running from August 1st–June 30th.