Join us for Midweek!
A Calvary Kids program aimed at discipleship and Christian formation, done in a way that's relevant to our community, impactful for our children, empowering for families, and sustainable for everyone.
Midweek FAQs
Semester: $50/child
Full Year: $75/child
Midweek will resume Wednesday, September 6th at 6:00pm. We will continue our rhythm of meeting 3 weeks a month, taking the 4th Wednesday of the month off.
We are excited to spend time on Wednesday nights moving through the story of the Bible with a special focus on doctrine and life application, while equipping parents to keep the conversation going at home.
-Family Integration
-Holistic Discipleship
-Bible Memory
-The Good, True and Beautiful
-Doctrinal Formation -
Family Friendly Schedule- meeting only three weeks a month to give space for families to reflect together.
Enrichment Opportunities- providing recreation, art and science tracks through the year.
Memory Passages- helping our children hide essential passages of scripture in their hearts.
Worship Integration- giving opportunities to participate in the Sunday worship service.
Joyful Gatherings- Having a blast while enjoying the best of what God has given us!
Taylor Hanson
Director of Children’s Ministries
contact Taylor Hanson
Reach out to Taylor Hanson via email with any questions you may have. We’re happy to help!