Join us for Midweek!

A new Calvary Kids program aimed at discipleship and Christian formation, done in a way that's relevant to our community, impactful for our children, empowering for families, and sustainable for everyone.

  • Semester: $50/child

    Full Year: $75/child

    Midweek will resume Wednesday, September 6th at 6:00pm. We will continue our rhythm of meeting 3 weeks a month, taking the 4th Wednesday of the month off.

  • We are excited to spend time on Wednesday nights moving through the story of the Bible with a special focus on doctrine and life application, while equipping parents to keep the conversation going at home.

  • -Family Integration
    -Holistic Discipleship
    -Bible Memory
    -The Good, True and Beautiful
    -Doctrinal Formation

  • Family Friendly Schedule- meeting only three weeks a month to give space for families to reflect together.

    Enrichment Opportunities- providing recreation, art and science tracks through the year.

    Memory Passages- helping our children hide essential passages of scripture in their hearts.

    Worship Integration- giving opportunities to participate in the Sunday worship service.

    Joyful Gatherings- Having a blast while enjoying the best of what God has given us!


Contact Taylor Hanson. She would be glad to help.