Anne Ockers

Anne Ockers

In 1977, John and Anne began to serve in Zinder, Africa. John became the Serving in Missions (SIM) Acting Superintendent for Niger. They were involved in hosting a guesthouse, chairing committees, visiting missions stations and trouble-shooting. They also taught Bible studies, did personal evangelism, and planted churches. John went Home in 2016.

Anne (now 85) in retirement, was recently involved in establishing a weekly EasyEnglish Bible Class (EEBC) for migrants wanting to practice English. She attends a weekly Bible study at her church, is part of a small group, sings in the church choir and attends two prayer meetings in her village, one for mothers and the other for the French-speaking countries of West Africa.  Please pray earnestly for the EEBC which presents a tremendous opportunity to tell migrants of our Savior’s love and grace.