Come and See: ResurrectionPastor Todd Wilson | March 31, 2013John 20: 1-10 The Anointing of JesusPastor Gerald Hiestand | March 24, 2013John 12: 1-50 Rejoicing, Weeping, and Shouting at DeathPastor Todd Wilson | March 17, 2013John 11: 1-57 A Responsible Leader in an Irresponsible WorldPastor Todd Wilson| March 10, 2013John 10: 1-21 An Enacted Parable of the Son's MissionPastor Todd Wilson| March 3, 2013John 9 The Benefits of AbidingPastor Todd Wilson| February 24, 2013John 8: 31-38 What Jesus Believes About UnbeliefPastor Todd Wilson | February 17, 2013John 6 Seeing Past Your DoubtPastor Gerald Hiestand | February 10, 2013John 5: 1-47 The Worship-Creating SonPastor Todd Wilson | February 3, 2013John 4: 1-26 The One Who Gives New LifePastor Gerald Hiestand | January 27, 2013John 3: 1-15 Religion Reformed - And EndedPastor Todd Wilson | January 20, 2013John 2:13-22 150 Gallons of GracePastor Todd Wilson | January 13, 2013John 2:1-11 Come and SeePastor Todd Wilson | January 6, 2013John 1:43-51